4 Prayers during Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month
Dear Sisters,
Today is October 1st and the beginning of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. For many it goes unnoticed, but for us mom’s who have to wait a lifetime to meet our babies, we always remember. We remember the excitement of the positive pregnancy test and we also remember the great sadness that followed. Whether you lost your child early in pregnancy or soon after birth, the grief accompanied by the loss of life is immense and is no small feat to overcome. As the mother of three angel babies, I can say that although I have let the Lord heal my heart, I will always long for my children and I look forward to meeting them one day. This letter is for all the moms out there who have walked this wild and untamed passage. I hope this brings us all some encouragement as we enter this month full of mixed emotions, these are my prayers for us:
I pray we…let our light shine. There is no reason to feel ashamed. Losing a pregnancy or an infant does not mean we are broken women. I pray that we find comfort in sharing our stories with others as a testimony to the healing power of God and His strength and power in our lives. When I started sharing my story more publicly I was met with kindness, compassion and the unshared stories of others. No one really knows what to say to someone who has experienced this, but if we as the over-comers share our hearts, we will inevitably encourage and create a safe place for others who have or will walk this same path. This month is important and the awareness created will give hope to those who feel alone.
I pray we…find our true identity in Christ. Just because we might not have any of our children here on earth does not make us less valuable as mothers. Operating in the motherhood spirit is simply operating the way God made us: as nurturers, life-givers, creators and we do not need to have children to utilize these gifts. If we are called to motherhood, we will find fulfillment when we embrace these gifts and use them however we can. Society doesn’t get to tell us who we are, let the God who created us, who loves us, who values us, speak to our hearts and give us our purpose and identity.
I pray we…continue to find healing. For some of us these wounds of loss are fresh, for others they are distant memories, but for all of us they have caused pain. Sometimes life comes and provides wanted distraction from the pain, but eventually we must grieve and find healing. This happens at different rates for different people, but I pray that we continue to let God heal our hearts until we are walking tall as the new creations He has made us. When we see someone struggling in their grief, let us lift them up in any way we can to help them through this deep valley so they can once again walk in newness of life. We don’t have to get stuck in our depression and pain, we are over-comers!
And finally I pray we…still celebrate life. Believe me when I say that it can be so difficult to not allow bitterness into our hearts. Jealousy creeps in when we let ourselves compare our lives to those around us. Envy has bit me when I’ve been invited to baby showers or even in passing a pregnant women walking by. Nothing good can come from a bitter heart and I pray that we are diligent to keep our hearts pure. Life in all forms is worth celebrating. In the fragile state of grieving no one will blame you for taking your time, but let us be careful to not allow bitterness to grow in the wake of our hurt. Let this grief instead teach us even more fully how precious life is so we can continue to celebrate with others.
This month is a mixed bag of emotions, but I hope that all you mothers with angel babies will take some time to reflect, remember, share and encourage, I know I will :)
With great love,