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Our Exciting News!

"Once upon a time, in a land not so far away. Lived a King & Queen in their castle, with two empty rooms to their dismay. After much consideration, a plan began to unfurl. "Let's open up our hearts and home to a little boy or girl!"

This announcement has been a long time in the making, and since today is National Adoption Day, it seems appropriate to share our next big adventure. Many of our friends and family already know our big news, but we are excited to be making an official statement.

Over the past several months, we have been going through the process of becoming licensed foster parents with the intention of adopting. Many of you know about our struggles in getting and staying pregnant, however we want you to know that this was never our Plan B. The timing was a little different than we had in mind, but the Foster-to-Adopt program has been something we felt called to since we met. As we were adopted into God’s family, we know that family bond extends far beyond the ties of biological make-up. Since before the world was created, God knew who our children were going to be and for how long we would get to have them with us. This is true for our children that went to be with Him from the womb and the children we will love and care for through foster care and adoption.

The Foster-to- Adopt program is complex and we might not know who we will be caring for until they walk through our front door. Although we have the intent to adopt, nothing is guaranteed until the final papers are signed, which could take years. Alternatively, we might not get to adopt the kids that come to live with us since in some circumstances their biological parents regain custody or kin is found to take the children. Fostering children is a gamble that so often causes heart break and all we can do is love them for as long as we can.

As foster parents, we have the ability to put specific boundaries on who we are able to care for, including ages and number of children. In the next week or so, we will be licensed for two children 6 years old and younger. The situations that these children come from are often less than desirable, and we appreciate your consideration of their privacy. These kids have so many people who know everything about them already, so we plan on making sure they feel safe and protected letting them be free to be kids. We would love for you to meet our kids, but we are not allowed to share pictures or names over the internet, and we appreciate your discretion on social media as well. We will make sure to provide plenty of updates via our blog and we would cherish your phone calls. No child wants to be known as “the foster kid;" for however long these kids are with us, they will always be our kids and that is what we will call them, we ask that you do the same.

We'll be licensed by our local agency known as Ariel and have great support through them as well. They are dedicated to helping foster parents and children. They'll train us in Therapeutic Foster Care, wherein children are given a space to heal and grow. This team of professionals help us with whatever we need, whenever we need it. More than ever, we will need your prayers and support, so please feel free to call, email, text, snail mail, (carrier pigeon), we are never too busy for kind words and encouragement!


Patrick & Morgan

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