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Welcome to One Home One Heart...

…and thanks for stopping by! In a world where everyone and their dog has a blog, we are throwing our hat into the ring so as to keep in better touch with those who are interested. In all honesty, we would much prefer to have regular conversations with all our friends and family over a cup of coffee, but realistically we are busy and we know you are too! This blog is not here to replace our real life chats, but to keep you updated on our lives and current adventures. Check back here for new blog posts and we will also let you know of new posts via Facebook as well.

We chose to call our site One Home One Heart for several reasons, but mostly because it spoke to the unity that we feel together as a couple. In the last 4 years of marriage, there have been many changes: buying a house, selling a house, a big move, two career changes, (I think you get the point), but in all that change, we have been moving step by step closer to where we need to be in order to accomplish what we’ve been called to do. Big changes can be divisive, but we have only grown closer and even through the big ups and downs of life, we choose to live with the mindset of being one in body and soul, hence the name: One Home One Heart.

This blog will consist of life updates, thoughts on important topics and quite possibly lots of pictures of our dog, Jacky, because he is really stinkin’ cute. We hope that you enjoy catching up with us virtually, but we hope this doesn’t dissuade you from grabbing your phone and giving us a call when you have a free moment!

With Love,

Patrick & Morgan

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